Thursday, September 22, 2016


         Some elders may say, being involve on what they call "barkada" means leaving our studies and start living our every life with our friends. For me, it's not. A group of friends can be classified into two kinds- good and bad-influencing friends. I am lucky enough that I belonged to a group with members who influenced me of some good and positive outlook in life. 
        Now consider this photo,
       this photo was taken last March, 2016, during our Parangal 2016. Most of our group's member were awarded as the academic awardees. This would prove that we have a healthy relationship inside the group. We all know how to manage our time, our time for studies, for our outputs, for our passion, and of course for our group bonding.
        A single finger couldn't carry a heavy hammer. It will takes the whole hand to carry it in a purposeful way. It could also be relate to a team or group. We, the group members, show teamwork in every activity that we have. Every member must have an obligation or role to stand off. Because for us, a group or a team won't work if the members don't have the harmonious relationship inside it. Everybody must cooperate and contribute to achieve a certain goal.

        We dreamed together, we fell together, and together we will rise up and continue our tracks or journey towards a better life or what others called it success.

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